Showing posts with label bulk sms service provider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bulk sms service provider. Show all posts

Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Power of Personalization in Bulk SMS Marketing for Small Businesses

Discover the power of personalization in bulk SMS marketing for small businesses! Our bulk sms service helps you reach more customers while creating meaningful and personalized experiences. Try it today!

Small businesses face a lot of challenges when it comes to marketing. One major issue is the limited resources and budget they have to work with. However, there’s one tool that can be a game-changer for small businesses - bulk SMS marketing. A bulk SMS service for small businesses can help them reach out to their target audience without breaking the bank.

But, sending generic messages won't cut it in today's competitive market. To stand out and grab attention, personalization is key! In this article, we'll explore how personalization can make all the difference in your bulk SMS marketing campaigns and how you can use it effectively to boost sales and customer engagement. Get ready to learn about the power of personalization in bulk SMS marketing for small businesses!

1.  Bulk SMS marketing for small businesses 

Bulk SMS marketing is an efficient and cost-effective way for small businesses to reach their target audience. A bulk SMS service for small businesses allows companies to send promotional messages to a large number of customers at once, saving time and money compared to traditional marketing methods. By using bulk SMS, small businesses can quickly and easily promote new products or services, send reminders about upcoming sales or events, or simply stay in touch with customers.

One of the key benefits of bulk SMS marketing for small businesses is its ability to provide measurable results. Unlike traditional advertising methods such as billboards or radio ads, businesses can track the success of their campaigns by monitoring open rates and response rates from customers. This allows them to adjust their messaging or targeting as needed to ensure they are reaching the right audience with the right message.

In addition, bulk SMS marketing is highly customizable.

2.  Why personalization matters 

As a small business owner, you might be wondering how to make your marketing strategies more effective. You may have tried various methods such as email campaigns or social media ads, but are you reaching out to your customers in a way that truly resonates with them? Here's where personalization comes into play.

By using a bulk SMS service for small businesses, you have the ability to customize your messages based on specific customer preferences and behaviours. This means that instead of sending generic promotions or updates, you can tailor your message to each individual recipient. This level of customization can lead to higher engagement rates and ultimately increase sales.

Personalization also allows you to build stronger relationships with your customers by showing them that you understand their needs and interests. By creating targeted offers or providing personalized recommendations, customers are more likely to feel valued and connected with your brand.

3.  Segmentation for better targeting 

Segmentation is the key to unlocking the full potential of your bulk SMS service for small business marketing. This powerful tool has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their customers, but without proper targeting, it can fall flat. Thankfully, segmentation allows you to divide your audience into groups based on demographics, interests and behaviours - allowing you to create tailored campaigns that resonate with each group.

By segmenting your customer base, you can send targeted messages that speak directly to their needs and interests. For example, if you own a pet store and have customers who only buy cat products, sending them a message about dog food would be irrelevant. Instead, by segmenting these customers into a "cat owners" group, you can send them personalized messages about new cat products or promotions - greatly increasing the likelihood of engagement.

4.  Leveraging customer data 

If you're a small business owner looking to take your marketing efforts to the next level, leveraging customer data can be a game-changer. With the help of a bulk SMS service, you can easily reach out to your customers and keep them engaged with your brand.

One major advantage of using customer data is that it allows you to personalize your messaging. By analysing their past purchases and behaviour, you can send targeted promotions that are likely to resonate with each individual customer. This not only helps increase conversions but also builds trust and loyalty in the long run.

Another benefit of leveraging customer data is that it provides valuable insights into what's working (and what's not) in your marketing strategy. By tracking metrics like open rates and click-through rates, you can refine your approach over time and make sure every campaign is optimized for success.

5.  Crafting personalized messages 

Crafting personalized messages has become an essential aspect of marketing for small businesses, and bulk SMS services have made it possible to reach a large audience with customized messages. A bulk SMS service for small businesses can help companies send targeted texts that resonate with their customers, creating a more personal connection that drives loyalty and sales. With such services, small businesses can tailor their messages to specific customer demographics or interests, making the communication feel more relevant.

Personalized messaging also helps businesses stand out in a crowded market. Consumers are bombarded with advertising messages every day, so it's important for small businesses to find ways to differentiate themselves. By crafting custom messages instead of generic promotions, they show they care about their customers' individual needs and preferences. This level of attention can help build trust and foster long-term relationships between the business and its customers.

6.  Measuring success 

Are you looking for ways to measure the success of your marketing campaigns? As a small business owner, it can be challenging to determine whether your efforts are paying off. Fortunately, there is a simple and effective solution that can help you track your progress: bulk SMS services.

By using a bulk SMS service for small business marketing, you can reach out to your target audience in an instant and monitor their responses. With this tool, you can easily track how many people have opened and clicked on your messages. You can also keep an eye on the conversion rates of those who have responded positively to your call to action.

In addition to tracking response rates, measuring the success of SMS Marketing Campaigns through bulk SMS services allows you to experiment with different approaches and see which ones work best for your business.

7.  Conclusion: Personalized bulk SMS is a game-changer

Personalized bulk SMS is the future of marketing for small businesses. The benefits of using this method have been proven to be immense, and it has turned out to be a game-changer in the world of marketing. With personalized bulk SMS service, small businesses can create campaigns that are more targeted and effective.

One benefit of personalized bulk SMS is that it allows businesses to reach their customers quickly and easily. A well-crafted message can be sent to a large number of people at once, without breaking the bank. This makes it an affordable option for small businesses looking to market themselves effectively. Additionally, with advanced tools such as segmentation, you can target specific groups within your audience for maximum impact.

Another significant advantage of personalized bulk SMS is that it offers higher engagement rates than other forms of marketing like email or social media.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Powering Your Fitness Centre with Bulk SMS


Make your fitness centre stand out from the competition with bulk SMS - it's the perfect way to quickly and easily reach your customers. Try our reliable and cost-effective service today!

The fitness industry is rapidly growing and more and more people are looking for ways to stay in shape. Bulk SMS services are a great tool to help fitness centres maximize their potential and stay ahead of the competition. With bulk SMS services, fitness centres can easily communicate with members and prospective customers, as well as provide updates about new classes or special offers. Not only does this help foster customer loyalty, but it also helps to increase sales.

1. Benefits of Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS service is becoming increasingly popular among businesses and organizations, and fitness centres are no exception. With the ability to send a single message to a large group of people, bulk SMS has proven to be an effective way for fitness centres to communicate with their members. There are numerous benefits of using bulk SMS services for fitness centres that make them an essential tool.

Firstly, bulk SMS services help fitness centres improve their communication with members by providing quick updates on class schedules, promotions, and special events. This not only helps the gym stay organized but also ensures that members don't miss out on any important information. Additionally, the personal touch of these messages can go a long way in building relationships between gym staff and clients.

Secondly, using bulk SMS services can significantly reduce marketing costs for fitness centres.

2. What is Bulk SMS?

Bulk SMS is a marketing technique that allows businesses to send promotional messages to a large number of customers at once. The messages can be sent through an online platform, and they can be personalized to include the recipient's name or other relevant information. A bulk SMS service for fitness centres can help these businesses reach out to their members with important updates, exclusive offers, and reminders about upcoming events.

One of the main benefits of using bulk SMS for fitness centres is that it allows them to communicate directly with their members in a timely and efficient manner. With bulk SMS, fitness centres can send messages instantly and ensure that they are delivered quickly. This means that they can keep their members informed about new classes or changes in class schedules without any delay.

Another advantage of using bulk SMS is that it is cost-effective compared to other marketing channels such as print or radio ads.

3. Benefits for Fitness Centres

As a fitness centre owner, you are always on the lookout for ways to improve your business and attract new customers. One way to do this is by implementing a bulk SMS service for your fitness centre. This service can provide numerous benefits that can help take your business to the next level.

Firstly, a bulk SMS service allows you to send targeted messages directly to your customer's phones. This means that you can keep them informed about upcoming events, promotions, and special deals in real-time. As a result, they are more likely to engage with your fitness centre and ultimately become loyal customers.

Additionally, using a bulk SMS service is incredibly cost-effective compared to traditional marketing methods like print ads or billboards. You only need to create one message and send it out end masse, which saves both time and money.

4. Advantages for Customers

Bulk SMS service for fitness centres has become a popular way to connect with customers. This service helps businesses send text messages in bulk to their subscribers, which saves time and money while keeping customers informed about the latest promotions and events. There are many advantages for customers when it comes to using bulk SMS services for their fitness centre needs.

Firstly, bulk SMS service provides an easy way for customers to stay connected with the gym. They can receive regular updates on new classes, special offers, and important announcements without having to check emails or scroll through social media feeds. With just one tap of a button, they can access all the information they need.

Secondly, bulk SMS services allow fitness centres to offer personalized experiences for their customers. By sending targeted messages based on customer preferences and interests, businesses can create tailored content that resonates with each subscriber individually.

5. Cost Comparison

Bulk SMS service is an integral part of any business operation. It helps in reaching out to customers and disseminating information about the latest offers, products, and services. Fitness centres can benefit from bulk SMS service as it enables them to communicate with their clients and keep them updated with the latest happenings. The cost comparison of different bulk SMS services is essential for fitness centres as it helps them select the most affordable option.

When comparing the costs of bulk SMS services, it is important to consider factors such as message delivery rates, customer support, and pricing plans. Some companies charge a fixed rate per message while others offer discounted rates for high-volume messaging. Fitness centres should choose a package that meets their budgetary requirements without compromising on quality or efficiency.
In conclusion, cost comparison of bulk SMS services can help fitness centres save money while maintaining effective communication with their clients.

6. Security Considerations

When it comes to running a fitness centre, there are many factors that you need to consider for the smooth operation of your business. One such consideration is security, which is an essential aspect of any business that deals with customer data and personal information. With the increasing use of technology in businesses these days, it has become even more important to ensure that all your data and communications are secure.

One particular area where security can be a concern for fitness centres is through the use of bulk SMS services. Many fitness centres these days rely on bulk SMS platforms to send out promotions, notifications and other important messages to their customers. While this certainly has its benefits, it does come with certain risks as well. For instance, if the wrong person were to gain access to your bulk SMS service account or database, they could potentially steal sensitive customer information or misuse your messaging service in other ways.

7. Conclusion: Power with Bulk SMS

As we come to the conclusion of this article, it is clear that utilizing a bulk SMS service can greatly benefit fitness centres. Whether it’s promoting new classes or sending reminders about upcoming events, these services offer an easy and effective way to engage with members.

One of the biggest advantages of using a bulkSMS service for fitness centres is the ability to reach a large number of people quickly and efficiently. With just one click, you can send out important information to all your members at once, without having to rely on individual communication methods.

Additionally, bulk SMS services arecost-effective and time-saving for businesses. Instead of spending money on traditional advertising methods like billboards or flyers, fitness centres can use SMS messages to target their audience directly without breaking the bank. Overall, investing in a bulk SMS service is an excellent choice for any fitness centre looking to improve member engagement and grow their business.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Unlock Business Success with Promotional SMS

Experience unrivalled reliability and customer satisfaction with our Promotional SMS Service! Enjoy 98% open rates, 99.9% uptime, and lightning-fast 10-second delivery.


Promotional SMS is the perfect way to take your business and services to the next level. By sending promotional messages, you can reach a larger audience with limited resources and budget. It is one of the ideal ways to effectively advertise your products or services in an engaging manner. Through promotional SMS, you can capture the attention of potential customers quickly and generate more leads for your business. With this type of message, you can easily promote services and products that you have available to meet customer needs.


1. Benefits of Promotion: 

Promotional SMS is a powerful tool that can help businesses achieve their sales targets by reaching out to potential customers in an engaging way. The benefits of promotion through SMS are numerous and include creating a source of information, product differentiation, generating higher revenue, and providing communication opportunities.

One of the biggest advantages of promotional SMS is that it creates a source of information for customers. By regularly sending out messages about new products or services, upcoming promotions or discounts, businesses can keep their customers informed and up-to-date about what's happening with their brand.

Another key benefit is that promotional SMS helps create product differentiation. By highlighting unique features or benefits in your messages, you can set your products apart from those offered by your competitors. This not only helps you stand out in a crowded market but also gives you an edge over other brands when it comes to customer loyalty.


2. Build Your Brand:

Are you ready to take your brand to the next level? Look no further than the power of promotional SMS! With a 98% open rate, SMS marketing is an incredibly effective way to reach your target audience and build customer engagement. By crafting compelling messages and sending them straight to their phones, you can create a connection with your customers that will keep them coming back for more.

But how do you get started? It's simple! First, build a list of opted-in subscribers who are interested in hearing from your brand. Then, create targeted campaigns that speak directly to their interests and needs. Whether it's exclusive discounts or sneak peeks at new products, giving your customers something special through SMS will keep them engaged and excited about everything your brand has to offer.

So, what are you waiting for? Build your brand with the power of promotional SMS today!


3.     Know Your Audience: 

Are you tired of sending promotional SMS messages that go unnoticed? It's time to change your approach and get to know your audience! Understanding your target market is the key to crafting effective and engaging promotional SMS campaigns that will leave a lasting impression.

One way to get started is by conducting market research. Analyse data on customer demographics, behaviour patterns, and preferences. This information will allow you to tailor your promotional SMS messages accordingly and create content that resonates with your audience.

Another important aspect of connecting with your audience through SMS marketing is personalization. Make sure to address recipients by their name or other relevant details, such as their past purchases or interests. Personalized messages are more likely to catch the attention of customers and motivate them to take action – whether it's redeeming a coupon code or making a purchase.


4.     Choose Your Channels: 

Choosing the right marketing channels for your business is essential to reaching your target audience and achieving your goals. While there are many channels available, one that has become increasingly popular in recent years is promotional SMS. This powerful tool allows businesses to reach customers on their mobile phones with targeted messages that are highly relevant and engaging.

With promotional SMS, you can send personalized messages directly to your customers' phones, offering them exclusive discounts, new product announcements or other valuable information. This channel is highly effective at driving customer engagement and loyalty because it allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level. And with more than 5 billion people around the world using mobile phones, the potential reach of this channel is huge!

So why not choose promotional SMS as one of your key marketing channels? It's fast, cost-effective and delivers results!


5.     Create Engaging Content: 

Are you tired of sending out promotional SMS messages that just don't seem to get any response? Do you feel like your customers are ignoring your texts or worse, unsubscribing from them altogether? Don't worry because the solution is here - creating engaging content!

Creating engaging content in your promotional SMS messages can make all the difference when it comes to getting a positive response. By crafting messages that are both interesting and informative, you'll be able to capture your audience's attention and keep them engaged with your brand. So what makes a message engaging? It could be anything from using catchy headlines, personalization, emojis or even asking questions.

Another way to create engaging content is by providing value in your messages. Offer exclusive deals or discounts for those who sign up for SMS alerts from your business.


6.     Track Performance & Analyse: 

Track Performance & Analyse: The Key to Maximizing Your Promotional SMS Campaigns

Are you tired of sending promotional SMS messages without knowing if they're actually making an impact? Look no further than tracking performance and analysing your results! By utilizing these powerful tools, you can take your marketing campaigns to the next level and see real results.

Tracking performance allows you to monitor how many people are receiving and opening your promotional SMS messages. This data is invaluable in determining the effectiveness of your campaign. From there, you can analyse the data to see what's working and what's not. Maybe one message has a much higher open rate than another - this could be due to a more attention-grabbing subject line or a more enticing offer. By analysing this information, you'll be able to make informed decisions about future campaigns that will drive even more engagement from your audience. So why wait?


7.     Conclusion: Promote Strategically: 

The world of marketing is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay on top of the latest trends in order to succeed. One such trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years is promotional SMS messaging. With more and more people using mobile devices as their primary means of communication, SMS messaging provides a unique opportunity for businesses to reach customers where they are most likely to be.

But simply sending out mass text messages isn't enough – businesses need to promote strategically if they want their messages to have an impact. This means identifying the right audience for each message, crafting compelling content that will engage them, and timing messages for maximum effect. By taking these steps, businesses can ensure that their promotional SMS campaigns are not only effective but also well-received by customers.

Overall, it's clear that promotional SMS messaging can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with customers in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Uncovering the Significant Difference in Promotional and Transactional SMSs

Discover the key differences between promotional and transactional SMSs to maximize your marketing strategies and communication with customers. Get the most out of both!

As businesses everywhere continue the search for better ways to connect with consumers, SMS has become an increasingly popular option. While promotional and transactional SMSs may appear to be the same thing, there is a significant difference between them. This article seeks to uncover that difference, exploring each type of message's unique uses and benefits. With this knowledge in hand, businesses can make more informed decisions about how best to reach their target audiences via SMS.


1. What are promotional and transactional SMS?

As businesses continue to explore new and exciting ways to reach their target audience, promotional and transactional SMSs have become popular choices. These two types of text messaging services offer unique benefits that can help companies connect with their customers more personally and effectively.

Promotional SMS is about reaching the masses with marketing messages, special discounts or offers, seasonal promotions, or any other promotional content. This type of text message service allows businesses to advertise their products or services directly to people's mobile phones, making it an effective way to increase brand awareness and generate sales. With promotional SMS, businesses can send bulk messages to thousands of subscribers at once, using catchy headlines and eye-catching visuals to grab attention.

Transactional SMS, on the other hand, is intended to deliver time-sensitive information such as order confirmations, one-time passwords (OTPs), appointment reminders, and so on.


2. Benefits of Promotional SMSs

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? If so, consider incorporating promotional SMS into your marketing strategy. Promotional SMS messages are a fantastic way to reach out to customers and entice them with special offers, discounts, and promotions. Not only do they help you drive sales, but they also create buzz about your brand and keep customers engaged.

One of the biggest advantages of promotional SMS is that it allows you to send targeted messages directly to your customers' mobile devices. This means that you can tailor your messages based on their preferences or past purchase history. As a result, you're more likely to see higher engagement rates from recipients who are interested in what you have to offer.

Another benefit of promotional SMS is that it's cost-effective compared to other marketing channels like print ads or TV commercials. 


3. Types of Promotional Messages

Promotional messages are an essential tool for businesses seeking to increase sales and attract new customers. One of the most popular types of promotional messages is promotional SMS. These are text messages sent out to a list of subscribers or potential customers offering discounts, promotions, or information about upcoming events.

There are several different types of promotional SMS messages that businesses can use, depending on their goals and target audience. Some examples include welcome letters, which introduce new subscribers to your brand and offer them a discount on their first purchase. Other types include flash sale notifications, holiday greetings with special discounts, or even personalized birthday offers.

One advantage of using promotional SMS is that it allows you to reach customers instantly and directly on their mobile devices—a platform they check frequently throughout the day. Moreover, these messages can be automated through marketing software, so businesses can save time while still maintaining consistent customer engagement levels.


4. Benefits of Transactional SMS

Transactional SMSs are the new buzz in the business world. Offering a range of benefits, transactional SMSs have become an integral part of any successful business. For those who need to learn, transactional SMS is a message sent by businesses to their customers regarding important transactions such as order confirmation, shipping updates, and payment receipts.


One of the biggest benefits of using transactional SMS is that it helps to build trust between businesses and their customers. Customers tend to feel more secure when they receive a message from a company confirming their transactions. Additionally, transactional messages are sent instantly, which means that customers can stay informed about their orders in real time.

Another advantage of using transactional SMS is that it offers businesses an affordable way to communicate with their customers. Compared to other forms of advertising, such as print media or television ads, sending out text messages is much cheaper while still being highly effective.

5. Types of Transactional Messages

When it comes to communicating with customers, businesses need to be able to send transactional messages that are clear and concise. These messages are critical for keeping customers informed about their account activity, purchases, and other important updates. One way that companies can send these types of messages is through transactional SMS.

Transactional SMS is a powerful tool that allows businesses to send transaction-related information directly to their customers' mobile phones. This type of messaging can include anything from order confirmations and shipping notifications to appointment reminders and account balance updates. By using transactional SMS, companies can make sure that their customers stay up-to-date on all the important information they need to know.

Businesses can send several different types of transactional messages via SMS. One common type is order confirmation messages, which let customers know that their purchase has been processed successfully.


6. The critical difference between the two

Are you looking to boost your business through SMS marketing? Well, it's essential to understand the critical difference between promotional and transactional SMS. Both of these types of SMS marketing serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Let's dive into their differences to help you choose the best option for your business.

Promotional SMS is sent with the intent of promoting a product or service. The content of promotional messages can include offers, discounts, sales promotions, etc., which are intended to generate leads and conversions. Businesses can send such messages only to non-DND (do not disturb) numbers between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Transactional SMS, on the other hand, is sent to convey important information about a customer transaction. This message doesn't contain any promotional material but includes relevant information such as order updates, payment status, OTPs (one-time passwords), etc.


7. Conclusion: The Relevance of Knowing the Difference

As technology advances, communication has become more convenient than ever. With the rise of smartphones and other digital devices, sending messages has never been easier. In the world of marketing, SMS messaging is one of the most effective ways to reach customers. In particular, there are two types of SMS messaging: promotional and transactional.

Promotional SMS messages are used for advertising purposes or to promote a product or service to a large audience. These types of messages usually contain promotional offers or discounts aimed at enticing customers to make purchases. On the other hand, transactional SMS messages are typically used for customer service-related tasks such as order confirmations and delivery updates.

Knowing the difference between these two types of SMS messaging is crucial for businesses looking to maximize their marketing efforts.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Increase Online Sales Through Services of a Bulk SMS Company

Fortius Infocom Private Limited
Fortius Infocom Private Limited
The internet is now the best medium to sell any product. With that thing in mind, innumerable companies are using the internet to increase their revenue. As several companies are using it, this increases the competition and makes it tough for new companies to establish themselves.

In that case, they have to make use of different services which will help them in making their name in the market. One of such services is the bulk SMS service offered by a bulk SMS company. This service allows companies to target their customers through SMS. A bulk SMS company will assist you in getting the best results from this service.

If you are planning to sell products online, then you should know the different methods to boost your revenue with the help of SMS.

1. Notify the Customer

Online shopping is dependent on the stocks that you have. Sometimes a customer wants to buy something, but it could slip out of stock before buying. In that case, the best thing that you can do is notify your customers through customers when the product comes in stock. This will allow you to sell more units and satisfy your customers.

2. Offers

One of the best ways to attract customers is by giving something worth their time. Providing them with different discount coupons will increase the chances of purchase. In addition to that, you can also add validity to your discount code so that the customers will purchase the products during the timeline.

3. Feedback

Feedback allows the producer to know about the places where they need to make an improvement. With the help of bulk SMS, you can ask for the feedback of the service. Not only it will help you in making your services better but will also make them feel a little connected to your business.

4. Follow Up with their Cart

Sometimes the customers leave the things that they want in their cart. The reasons for not completing the process could be many. You can send them the message sending the reminder for completing the process and making the purchase. Doing this will allow you to convert your potential clients into your permanent customers.

Now you know the different types of messages that you can send to your customers that will boost your online sales. The most important factor is choosing the bulk SMS company as it will directly affect the effectiveness of your campaign.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How Bulk SMS Service is Changing Marketing Trends?

Fortius Infocom Private Limited
Fortius Infocom Private Limited
Every now and then creative people come up with a new marketing method to cope up with the competition. Without a doubt, marketing holds a long history and it is still developing its methods. On the other hand, bulk SMS services are changing the future of marketing as well.

Earlier, messages were not majorly used for marketing, but the massive use of mobile phones have forced the marketers to select this method. However, several people are still unsure about the usage of messages for the promotion of their business and boost sales. If you are among those people, then here are is the information that tells how SMS is changing marketing.

1. Great Reliability

One of the best things about SMS marketing is that it is completely reliable. The closest competition of SMS is email. No matter how well written the text in the email is, some of them might end up in the spam section. On the other hand, SMS are most likely to be delivered to the desired recipient. In addition to that, you can specifically target the messages to whom you want to send. Doing this will certainly reduce the effort of sending the message to inappropriate contacts. All these factors prove how reliable SMS service truly is.

2. Excellent Impact

There is no denying the fact that SMS marketing leaves a great impact on customers. People receive tons of emails every day due to which some of them are not even opened upon delivery. When it comes to SMS marketing, then over 90% of the messages are read by the receiver after delivery. It is a huge number which ensures that the recipient will get the idea of the message and hence leave a greater impact.

3. Tracking

When we talk about the tracking of the campaigns, then Google analytics surely tops the list. However, bulk SMS services provide a great quality of reports which helps in improvement of the campaign. It tells the sender about the number of delivered and read messages. Apart from that, you can also monitor the conversion rate as well.

4. Customer Engagement

SMS marketing provides the customer to have an engagement with the company. With the help of SMS, the company can ask for the feedback or can even offer different discounts. Doing this will allow the customer to stay engaged with the company.

Bulk SMS services are surely changing the ways how companies do promotion. Not only it is effective but provides convenience to the user as well.

Monday, May 6, 2019

What to Do and What Should be Avoided When Using Bulk SMS?

Fortius Infocom Private Limited
Fortius Infocom Private Limited
Presently, bulk SMS service is one of the most widely used services by innumerable corporates. Whether you want to promote your work, or you want to provide your customers with the best services, SMS is the medium with which you can achieve your goals.

Mere only getting this service will not help you in getting results, you have to be very specific about the actions that you take. When it comes to the effectiveness of bulk SMS, then each message counts. Consider that fact, here are some of the do’s and don’ts that you should follow before using this service.


1. Ask for Permission

Before you can send messages to your customers, the most important thing that you should do is ask for their consent. In addition to that, you also have to give them an option to unsubscribe to the messages whenever they want.

2. Modify the Content Every Time

If you are sending the same message to your customers, then they may not even bother to read them in the future. In order to avoid it, all you have to do is send a different message with unique and informative content so that the recipients will have a curiosity to read it.


1. Do Not Spam

One of the biggest mistakes that people make while using the bulk SMS service is that they begin sending messages to their customers multiple times a day. In that case, the customers will have no other option but to unsubscribe to your SMS resulting in failure of the campaign. Make sure to send the messages only a couple of times a week so that the customers do not feel irritated with the messages.

2. Don’t Send Untimely Messages

Bulk SMS service is all about timing. If you are not sending the messages at the right time, then you are making one of the biggest mistakes. Finding the right time to send the messages should be your priority so that you can enhance the effectiveness of your SMS. Timing may depend on business to business and as per the season as well.

3. Avoid Abbreviations

Adding abbreviations to the SMS may not only reduce the effectiveness of the messages but can also confuse the customers. Once the customer is unable to get the essence of the message, then there are lesser chances that they will do business with you. Make sure to only use one or two abbreviations in the message.

These were all the do’s and don’ts that you should know before using the bulk SMS service. Keep in mind that you have to write the body in the best way possible.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Significance of Bulk SMS Providers in Fashion Industry

Fortius Infocom Private Limited
Fortius Infocom Private Limited
The fashion industry is among those industries which will stay forever. It is something which will always be required by humans. However, due to the same reasons, there is high competition in the market to become the best designer or to provide the best fashion to the customers.

With that thing in mind, companies consider using all different kinds of marketing techniques to stay ahead with the competition. The primary motive of marketing is to generate its name in the market and boost sales. One major marketing technique is SMS marketing which is run by different bulk SMS providers. The question is how these SMS providers can help the fashion industry. Below are the ways how SMS impact the fashion industry.

1. Enhanced Payment Security

No one can deny the fact that shopping is exciting. In that excitement, some of the customers might not pay attention to the payment gateway which could result in online frauds. Y generating the confidence of your customers on your website, you could boost your sales. With the help of two-step authentication, you are generating confidence among your customers that your payment gateway is extremely safe.

2. Faster Ordering

Customers want a smooth ordering experience which will help them in providing all the information regarding their order. SMS service will guide them in knowing the current status of their order till it reaches their doorstep. Due to this service, the customers will not have to dial any number to know about the status as the messages will automatically notify them about any update.

3. Personalised Messages

Without a doubt, everybody likes a personal touch when being communicated. By making the messages a little personal by just adding the name of the receiver, you are making them comfortable. In addition to that, sending such messages builds a relationship with the customer.

4. Regional Messages

Regional messages also leave a great impact on the customers. Not only this will make them feel a cultural touch but will also help you in boosting sales. You can target such customers by offering certain types of clothing or it could even send some texts in their language.

5. Keep Them Updated

All the fashionistas want to stay updated with the latest trends in the fashion industry. The best thing that you can do for them is to update them with all the new arrivals in the fashion industry. The bulk SMS will allow them to know about the new fashions and stay up to date.

These were the best ways to use bulk SMS in the fashion industry. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that you pick the right bulk SMS provider.